Saturday, July 4, 2009

Cirque Dream Pandemonia

So my dad's work, the Jitney Association, gave him two tickets to the Cirque Dreams Pandemonia that is playing at the Taj Mahal. Since my dad didn't go I took my cousin Stephanie.

Though short, it was an amazing show. Don't get it confused with Cirque De Soliel because it's a similar, yet different show.

The abilities the performers had was wicked. To be able to move your body like that and to bend like the women did...makes me wish I was still in gymnastics. Everything from the music to the painted backdrops to the spectacular costumes were simple fantastic. There was like 6-7 different acts not including the ending act. They had some damn amazing skills to pull off some of the things they did.

All in all it was a short show, and I wish it was longer, but beggars can't be choosers. After the show the actors went out into the lobby so people could take pictures. And there was this one really old couple that kept getting in the way. Rawr...

Afterwards, we walked the boardwalk and I wish I had someone other my 12 year old cousin to do that with. Someone around my age and preferably male. Ah, it is nice to dream.

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